Nightwing #20 Review – He Moved His Liver Out of the Way…

Nightwing 20 reviewFinally, the “epic” conclusion of “Nightwing Must Die” arc. The last issue ended with Robin getting killed, once again, and Dick falling into a trance deep within his soul. Well, okay that’s an exaggeration. I had no idea what happened at the end of the last issue other than Robin getting stabbed through the abdomen. Nightwing was still standing before Dr. Hurt, but his soul/essence/spirit/whatever was falling from his body through the floor.

At that point, I was fairly fed up with this entire arc. Nightwing has already had one brief acid trip through various timelines and universes, so now he has another one after seeing Robin’s dead body? Oh please Dr. Manhattan…if you’re watching this madness, just wipe it out and let us move on with our lives.

This psychedelic trip lasts quite a bit longer than the last one, but it’s not as interesting. Dick wrestles with various versions and possibilities of himself as they try to make him believe that they are his true destiny. Damian’s voice took him out of the first vision, and that same voice yanked him out again. But Damian is dead on the table, thus the voice Dick heard was Damian’s voice in his heart.

Of course, Nightwing pulls himself together with the help of Deathwing, and Dr. Hurt is defeated once more. I really don’t believe that was the true purpose to this issue. Instead, it is how Nightwing reconciles everything that has happened with Shawn and Damian. Of course Damian isn’t dead, though. He still has the Teen Titans to lead, and surely DC won’t kill off Batman’s son a second time. No, you see, Damian could tell by Dr. Hurt’s knife position exactly where it would land in his belly. To protect his vital organs from getting punctured, he shifted his liver out of the way, because that’s something anyone can do if they train hard enough, right?

With Damian alive, the two can discuss what originally brought Damian to Blüdhaven in the first place. Yes, part of it was to discuss Batman’s inheritance, but of course, what it really was all about was Damian missing his older brother. Damian is often an asshole, callous, and extremely arrogant, but he’s also only 13. He’s had to grow up so quickly with a horrible family, and his father honestly isn’t too much better at the parenting gig. Dick always was a surrogate parent for the Robins, and he still will be for Damian.

Nightwing 20 review

Damian is rather adorable when he’s not scowling.

Oh and also, Shawn isn’t pregnant. We didn’t see that one coming either, AMIRITE?

Our Rating: Yes

Author: Tim Seeley
Artists: Javier Fernandez and Chris Sotomayor
Publisher: DC Comics
Publish Date: 05/03/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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