Weapon X #1 Review – Reunited and It Feels so Good…

Weapon X 1 reviewI had no idea what to expect with Weapon X. Truth be told, the only reason why I subscribed was because of Sabretooth. I feel like Uncanny X-Men just dropped him and Monet in the middle of the war with no explanation or closure. So what is Sabretooth doing with himself? Is Monet with him? Has he gone back to being a killing machine?

I also do admit I have grown to like Old Man Logan. My cohort here is probably super ashamed of me right now, but it’s nice having Logan without him pining for Jean. He’s not pining for anyone (yet), and his grumpy old man demeanor makes him quite funny.

Since the first issue starred really only these two, it did not disappoint.

When the original Wolverine was killed, he and Lady Deathstrike had bounties on their heads for their healing abilities and adamantium skeletons. Dr. Cornelius was the man behind that hunt, but Wolverine killed him (it was accidental, but he would have done it anyway) before his own death. Now that these mutants are being hunted once again, Logan asks Sabretooth to team up and help find out who is behind it now.

This time, however, there are no bounties on their heads. People who are really killing machines made of adamantium are out to kill them. Lady Deathstrike was captured by one in X-Men Prime, but she is still alive as they experiment on her.

Logan barely escaped from these terminators alone, hence the alliance he wants to forge with Sabretooth.

Weapon X 1 review

On the one hand, we’ve seen these stories before regarding Logan, so twelve points from Gryffindor for lack of originality. On the other hand, we’ve never had a likable Sabretooth before, and the thought of a nice Creed working with grumpy Old Man Logan has an appeal to it. Five points to Gryffindor for keeping the intrigue alive.

I can feel my partner’s disappointment in me from across the US.

Our Rating: YUS

Author: Greg Pak
Artists: Greg Land, Jay Leisten, and Frank D’Armata
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publish Date: 04/12/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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