The Flash #9 Review – Press in Case of Wallys

Flash 9 reviewWe haven’t seen OG Wally Flash in The Flash in, well, ever. Flash mentions that it was good to see him, but that’s really all there has been of Mr. West. A new Titans is also out today with OG Wally, making the timing rather perfect for him to appear in this week’s The Flash as well. A few of the Rebirth comics are just now getting around to realizing that the Watchmen are watching them, but plenty others have a long way to go to bring it all in full circle. Titans has stayed the course the entire time due to Wally, but now it’s time for Wally to bring more of that news to Barry and New Wally. Soon all will be talking about Dr. Manhattan, Ozymandias, and perhaps the Comedian. And then I will be eating wine soaked ice cream with my comic book partner over Skype. It will be lovely.

Yes, both Wallys meet. No space time continuum was altered, no paradox opened, and the universe did not collapse. At least, not that we know of. Something else weird happened to Barry instead. Perhaps that was a universe collapsing.

Issue started off as another day in the life of Flash and Kid Flash. Horrible things happen, they run off to save the day. This time, OG Wally shows up to help, and there’s a bit of a family reunion, only without OG Wally telling New Wally who he really is. Before they can have a lovely family reunion complete with a group hug and a picnic, the speed force…does something horrific to Barry. I’m not only talking about the art.

Flash 9 review

Flash suddenly gets VERY Dr. Manhattan on the Wallys. He mumbles about how there is no point to what they are doing and then instantly becomes truthfully mean to each Wally. He even spills the beans on Reverse Flash being New Wally’s father, but goes as far as to say that he became the Reverse Flash and murdered people because of Wally. It’s not the Flash’s best moment, and it takes both Wallys to make him snap out of it.

We’re obviously going to have a full reunion of the Flash family, but I really hope it’s no more than these three and who Flash saw in his speed force vision (final panel of issue). The Flash Family at its height had a ridiculous number of speedsters.

The story with the speed force and Flash dealing with both Wallys is not what keeps this issue from being good. It’s the art. The art killed any joy I could find from this issue. I know many people love this comic style, but I definitely do not.

Flash 9 review

I was really surprised by the art within after loving the cover, but the cover was done by the usual artist for the series. This issue had a new artist. As someone who can’t draw stick figures, I hate bashing art, but this style simply doesn’t do it for me. It’s a good thing I read comics for more than the art.

Author: Joshua Williamson
Artists: Jorge Corona, Ivan Plascencia, and Carmine Di Giandomenico
Publisher: DC Comics
Publish Date: 10/26/16
Acquired via Purchase

Our rating: meh

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