Flash #26 Review – For Every Positive, There’s a Negative

Flash 26 reviewWe’ve had a decent time jump between Flash #25 and #26. At the end of the last issue, Reverse Flash was ripping off Flash’s mask to reveal his identity to Iris. Iris was also in some sort of transparent prison. The start of issue #26, Iris is not in her prison and the three of them are chit-chatting like it’s all cool. Obviously it’s not all cool, but how did they get from Reverse Flash having Flash in a choke-hold to standing around and talking? I assumed Iris would have cried out in surprise or something. Barry would have plead with her. Reverse Flash would have cackled. I didn’t get to see any of that, if it indeed happened.

Instead, we witnessed possible futures where Flash ruins the world because he can’t choose between being Barry and being Flash. Thawne makes Barry sadder than he already was. Doesn’t really let him talk. Typical Reverse Flash playbook.

Iris does have her moment, sort of. She says it all makes sense as to why he’s always late, why he’s forgetful, and why he suddenly bonded with Wally. She understands that he lied to protect her, but she feels a little left out at the same time.

Thawne jumps on this conversation to point out that Barry is, at his a core, a liar. He lies to everyone, even himself. Barry is Barry’s true enemy, not Reverse Flash. As such, he convinces Barry he can help him save everyone from his lies and go where he can’t hurt anyone ever again. Instead of talking to Iris about it (which would be insane, AMIRITE?), he agrees to go with Thawne. Not sure why he thinks any suggestion of Thawne’s would be a good idea, but when you’re in that bad of a place, ideas from psychopathic murderers sound brilliant.

Naturally, as soon as he’s whisked away, Iris calls after him, swearing they could talk and work it out. Silly Iris; good comic stories don’t come from talking to one another. That’s just ridiculous.

It’s as ridiculous as what happens to Flash next. Thawne dumps him in the negative speed force, which gives him his power. But of course Barry can’t stay there. Flash can’t disappear and die until the next reboot. So yes, he does manage to find his way back as the Negative Flash. And he wants to kill Thawne.

Hoo boy. Fasten your seatbelts, boys and girls. I have no idea where this ride is taking us.

Weird story aside, Howard Porter came back and the art is beautiful! He really needs to stay permanently. But he’s probably like the Reverse Flash in that for whatever reason, he can’t stay in one spot.

Our Rating: Yep

Author: Joshua Williamson
Artists: Howard Porter, Hi-Fi, and Carmine Di Giandomenico
Publisher: DC Comics
Publish Date: 07/12/2016
Acquired via Publisher

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