DC Day Drinking – Superwoman #9 and Superman Reborn

Superwoman 9 reviewSuperwoman has been one rough ride for me from the very beginning. For most of the series, I had no idea what was going on. I chalked up most of it to not being familiar with the various Superman series. I have never read a single issue of any Superman comic, and that includes Action Comics and all facsimiles thereof. I understand that I might be clueless about some things.

I still think, however, that a brand new comic starting with a big fat #1 would be a bit more all-encompassing for new readers. We’ve had a Supergirl for years. The idea of a Superwoman is very appealing to older comic readers, especially when that Superwoman is Lois Lane. Having Lana Lang as Superwoman was just as intriguing. But couldn’t the writer/publisher explain a bit more than simply dropping a reference to other issues? 

The poor explanations only worsened as Superwoman’s story tied to whatever in the world was going on with Superman. The Superman Reborn arc crossed SupermanAction Comics, and Superwoman. It doesn’t take long to realize you need to read all of it to fully understand what happened to Lana after she woke. She apparently had some big conversation with the reborn Superman and Lois, and she moved back to her farm after embracing her loss of powers.

I feel like so much has not been answered in the Superwoman comics alone. Who was that apparition of Lois that Lana and Bizarro Woman saw. More accurately, what was that? What in the world is Superman talking about regarding Lana still being Superwoman even without her powers?

Many of the questions I have regarding issue #9 alone have cross references to the rest of the Superman Reborn arc.  I know I bought into the extra cross-over issues when it came to the Inhumans vs. X-Men. The big difference here is that I’m not a die-hard Superman fan as I am X-Men.

Should I have known better? Absolutely. I should have known that Superwoman could not have stood on its own, considering that it was born from an incident in Action Comics. I should have known to not get entangled with characters that span across various comic series. I should be thankful that nothing from Justice League affected Superman Reborn.

Right now I’m waffling deciding what to do about Superwoman. At the very end of this issue, Lana told Superman that she knew how she could still be Superwoman. As look forward in Comixology, there are a few more issues in the works for Superwoman. Perhaps I will see where she is going next before I make an ax decision. Not sure I can handle yet another series with numerous cross-overs. I have more than enough between the Titans, Teen Titans, Nightwing, and Flash, and that’s just on the DC side. I really need to cut down instead of add on more cross-overs.

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