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Deathstroke #20 Review – Interesting Retirement Plan You Have There, Slade
Those who can't, teach?
Cyborg #13 Review – It’s a Trap!
He spells his name with a y in stead of an i because it appears to be cooler. Not that anyone would know based upon hearing it.
Mass Effect Discovery #1 – Unresolved Mysteries of the Game Resolved?
This will be good regardless, but the extended universe should never resolve a mystery from the core canon.
Flash #23 Review – Sad Flash is Going to Stay Sad
Barry Allen used to be the happy-go-lucky one of the JL. Can we get him back soon?
Captain America: Sam Wilson #22 Review – These Nazis Hate Inhumans
Sam Wilson fled, leaving his symbolic shield behind. He didn’t say goodbye to Falcon or even Misty Knight. He left her a note, because he knew she would talk him […]
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