Nightwing #27 Review – If You Can’t Trust Spies, Then Who Can You Trust?

Nightwing 27 reviewI still hadn’t read Nightwing #26 from when I was overseas, but the arrival of #27 changed that in a hurry. Now that I’m caught up, I’m excited about Nightwing once again. He seems to be over Shawn Tsang, although he’s certainly not over Giz’s death, which he feels completely at fault for. Maybe he’ll also take the blame for Shawn, Pigeon, and Mouse falling off the wagon. That definitely isn’t his fault, but he’s so much like his father, he will absorb any of the blame going around. I wouldn’t be surprised if he blames himself for what Damian did to Wally.

For reasons I’m not entirely sure of why, Huntress has crashed his apartment in Blüdhaven and offered to help him track down Giz’s killer. They’re sure it’s the Second Hand, since Dick asked Giz to look into the Second Hand’s stolen tech, but they had no idea that Spyral, their former spy organization, IS the Second Hand.


Even more surprising is the fact that Agent 1, the Tiger King of Kandahar, is leading Spyral down this path of stolen tech. Why? To do what Spyral originally did—take down overpowered superheroes. Dick and Helena were both as surprised as I was. This guy always seemed like such a great guy. He and Dick had a strange relationship, but they were most certainly friendly, if not friends.

But you know, the deal with spies is that they are liars about who they are and what they are doing. Is it really that far-fetched to believe that Agent 1 was always pretending to be Dick’s friend? That he always had his own personal agenda? He’s a spy. Who knows who is telling the truth. Not even Dick was 100% honest as a spy. He was always there as double agent for Batman.

On the same token, I don’t want it to be true either. I always liked Tiger and his banter with Nightwing. But now he’s really a monster in spy’s clothing? Or is he? Is this really Tiger? The last page confirms all.

I like Nightwing and Huntress working together. I know in the history of DC Comics, this is not the first time this pairing has happened, and it won’t be the last. However, Dick is already having thoughts of getting together with Helena. Dude, you just broke up with Shawn Tsang. Can you take a break for a hot minute? Yes, I still want him with Starfire, but I’ll be okay if he and Helena seal the deal. Just wait a few issues before you jump down someone else’s pants, okay? Sheesh.

Our Rating: YUS

Author: Tim Seeley
Artists: Javier Fernandez and Chris Sotomayor
Publisher: DC Comics
Publish Date: 08/16/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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