Harrow County #23 Review — Full Circle

Harrow County 23Each issue of this series is an emotional roller coaster. Cullen Bunn has, thus far, managed to keep the hits coming, which it one Harrow County‘s biggest strengths. By the end of so many issues I’ve ridden an emotional roller coaster that ends with me feeling scared or disheartened for Emmy. Harrow County #23 might be the most disheartening issue we’ve had yet. Not just for Emmy, but for Bernice, as well.

I knew we hadn’t seen the last of the murderous family. I kind of hoped we had, but I knew we hadn’t. I also knew that Odessa would return in a very real and mean way. Of all the family members, Odessa scared me the most because I have a feeling that she speaks the most truth in her web of uncertainties. She is unyielding in her world view and wholly untrustworthy, but she also speaks just plainly enough to make her particularly dangerous; she’s insidious. Which is why I felt utterly devastated to see her standing in Lovey’s house, waiting for Bernice.

If anyone is going to buy what Odessa is selling, it’s going to be Bernice. Emmy strives to find a balance in the world; to create a divine utopia between the dark and nasty pieces of the world, and human world. She also has the power to do so, making her a particularly desirable tool for the family, and especially Odessa. Bernice, on the other hand, wants to protect humanity from that same darkness, and by extension, Emmy. Emmy may have the power to destroy (or remake) the world, but Bernice has the power to destroy Emmy. I’m not sure which is worse.

Let me be very clear: nothing good comes from this. I’d like to think, much as Emmy probably does, that she can still retain Bernice’s trust and friendship. Unfortunately, Bernice is too firmly grounded in reality. She knows there can not be peace between man-eating haints and man. Odessa is the perfect tutor for her, preaching the same things that Lovey began. Bernice may think she’s found a mentor and friend, but the truth is, she’s just going to be an instrument of impending destruction.

Our Rating: YUS

Author: Cullen Bunn
Artists: Tyler Crook
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Publish Date: 05/10/2017
Acquired via Purchase

One Reply to “Harrow County #23 Review — Full Circle”

  1. Lucia

    Great review. I agree, I think Bernice will be used as a tool, Emmy’s witch family aren’t pure souls, they are definitely shady and I mean the Kammi kind of shady. Everything is not what it seems in Harrow County, I think the family has some cruel intentions and they are using Bernice and Emmy to try to achieve them. I’m honestly curious how Kammi fits into all of this, I do have a theory that the family were the ones who took Kammi, it would definitely make sense, they knew there were two of them and they did show up after Kammi died and not before like they could have. But if that turns out to be accurate then Emmy is definitely in for a rocky ride. Cullen did tease that there is some really dark times ahead for her. I’m off to read 24 now!

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