Monday Marvel Mimosas: The X-Men Shuffle in X-Men Prime #1

Monday Marvel Mimosas

So all current X-Men series have ended, including Extraordinay X-Men, All-New X-Men, and Uncanny X-Men. All new series are starting this month, and to bridge them all, Marvel Comics has released X-Men Prime #1. The book released last week when everything officially ended. For whatever reason, Storm is all mopey and the young X-Men have decided they want Jean Grey as their leader instead of Scott. I haven’t seen a viable explanation as to why other than asking why not. At this point, I should just roll with it.

Kitty Pryde is back. Still don’t know what happened with her marriage to Peter Quill other than it seems to be very over. So much so, when she runs into Colossus, she gets rather weak in the knees. No one here believes in taking time to heal, do they? It’s just rebound rebound rebound. Same with young Angel; I thought he and Wolverine patched things up, but he’s hitting on Jean Grey as much as Scott is. No idea about Kid Apocalypse or the other recruits the younger X-Men picked up along the way. Perhaps more will be revealed in X-Men: Gold and X-Men: Blue, but for now, let’s look into what has me reaching for the champagne before noon.

I really don’t understand why Storm is so damn sad. As soon as she finds out Kitty is back on Earth, she rushes over to her and begs her to take over the X-Men. She blames herself for going to war with the inhumans instead of Emma Frost, and as such, she’s choosing to be the local martyr. I don’t totally understand why she’s rushed to Kitty Pryde instead of Colossus, Logan, Magik, or Nightcrawler to lead, other than the fact that Kitty has been a leader before. I guess that’s enough, but it seems so abrupt. Then again, Kitty leaving was just as abrupt.

Kitty did tell Storm that she would think about it, but after perusing around the school that’s still in Limbo, she agreed to stay and lead. I think seeing Colossus live in her old room sealed the deal, personally. She has made two executives orders thus far, and one makes perfect sense while the other makes very little sense. Her second order was for Storm to stay, and Storm agreed. Not sure where else she would have gone, but at least she’s staying. Her first order was to have Magik relocate the school out of Limbo. However, instead of putting the building back in Westchester, where there is already a hole in the ground for it, she opted for Central Park in New York City.

X-Men Prime review

I get that Kitty wants them to be out in the open as heroes, but Central Park? I’m sure there’s a rule against plopping a mansion in the middle of it. I’m even more sure New York City would have an extreme problem with this. It’s one thing to have Avengers Mansion in New York, because that was a bought and paid-for building in Manhattan. The X-Men are essentially squatting on city property.

I have to be honest about something else—I have no idea how long I can stomach X-Men: Blue with Jean Grey as the leader. It has nothing to do with misogyny; I simply dislike her character and I always have. Her younger self coming into the present as a second chance has not improved her character at all. In fact, I think she’s worse. Her ego is out of control, and once again, all the boys are fawning all over her like she’s the only girl in existence. It was sickening when she pretty much was the only girl around, but somehow, even with other women around, they still can’t see how obnoxious she really is. Now she’s leader? I think the only character who would have been a worse choice is X-23.

Well, thank you Marvel Comics, for doing with X-Men Prime that DC Comics did with DC Universe Rebirth. Let’s have a standalone book as a transition piece that we’ll name #1 even though there’s no #2. Makes about as much sense as dropping a mansion in the middle of the most famous park in the US.

Our Rating: meh

Authors: Marc Guggenheim, Greg Pak, and Cullen Bunn
Artists: Ken Lashley, Ibraim Roberson, and Leonard Kirk
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publish Date: 03/29/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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