X-Men Blue #5 Review – Remember That Whole Secret Wars Thing?

X-Men Blue 5 reviewI’m internally struggling with X-Men Blue. On the one hand, it’s an X-Men title and I can’t NOT be in the know when it comes to the X-Men. Cullen Bunn also happens to be the writer. But on the other hand, it’s a discombobulated mess. It also has way too much Jean Grey.

I know, I know she’s the new leader blah blah blah. She’s not even the same Jean Grey, since the universe righted itself and kept the original X-Men in the past. I should give her a chance. I probably would if she wasn’t so annoying. Frankly, they’re all a bit annoying except for Cyclops, and that’s really saying something. Beast is surly and downright mean at times. Iceman whines more than he usually does/did. Angel is overly arrogant for a Worthington. Even Cyclops has his irritating moments, especially when he still feels the need to take care of Jean and be leaderly. 

Perhaps I’ve simply out grown these X-Men. They are, after all, in their late teens/early twenties. I would have easily related to them back when I first started getting into comics. Now I simply want to bang their heads together and tell them to stop the bitching. That’s definitely a strong sign of a good writer to emulate the drama of young adults, not that I doubted Mr. Bunn at all. However, things are about to get even whinier, methinks, now that Wolverine’s son from another universe is part of the team.

In fact, plenty of other people from another universe have joined this realm, including an alternate Quicksilver (because we needed another). A team of alts calling themselves the Marauders are after Jimmy Hudson to take him back to their experiments. The X-Men do their best to keep the Marauders at bay while Jean tries to figure out who they are and where they’re from, psychically. The Marauders may not actually be bad people; they’re controlled by one. Miss Sinister is controlling them, ordering them to bring back Jimmy, despite the fact that she can’t manipulate his mind. Like her counterpart Mr. Sinister, she also enjoys playing with the genetics of mutants and exploiting them.

Where did they all come from? Well, remember how the Marvel universes collided in Secret Wars? Some characters from each universe died, and some merged together. The Marauders, Miss Sinister, and Jimmy are all from that collision. I knew Secret Wars was going to bite us in the ass later. At the same time, though, it’s nice to see Secret Wars mean something other than Miles Morales joining our universe. Perhaps we’ll learn what happened to Reed and Sue Richards?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s just crazy talk.

Well, let’s see what Jimmy will add to the young team. Jean said (kind of rudely, actually) that she thought the team could use a Wolverine. Jimmy immediately nipped that in the bud. Wonder what code name he will choose…

Our Rating: meh

Author: Cullen Bunn
Artists: Julian Lopez, Cory Smith, and Irma Kniivila
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publish Date: 06/14/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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