Uncanny Avengers #23 Review – Don’t Get in Cars with Strangers, Wade

The first page of most comic books contains a “Last time…” synopsis, which is most helpful for monthly comics like Uncanny Avengers. These summaries are typically pretty cut and dry, your usual informative brochure. In Uncanny Avengers #23, however, Mr. Duggan had some fun. I can’t sum up everything as well as he did, so take a gander at his fine words.

Uncanny Avengers 23 review

So hey, if you didn’t read the 2012 run of Uncanny Avengers, you most likely will be confused as to what just happened. Near the end of that series, Wonder Man was trapped in Rogue’s mind. She couldn’t get him out, and she lost control of her absorption powers. Up to that point, she was able to control them for the most part, and she could silence the other memories she had stuck in her head. They couldn’t find a way to release him, and the series ended without really finding a solution. When the 2015 series started, I really thought they simply wrote that whole piece under the rug and moved on. Or perhaps somewhere in the interim, he was able to escape. Turns out, all Rogue had to do was kiss Deadpool and Wonder Man would be free.

Uncanny Avengers 23 review

Rogue did end up in the hospital after such a forceful extraction, but it wasn’t long before she was back up on her feet. She still hasn’t defined her relationship with Deadpool, since the whole group has decided that it’s time to pack it in. The mission after Steve Rogers disbanded them was to stop Red Skull. They were quite successful in stopping him. With SHIELD no longer funding their operations, what else can they do?

At this point, I’m sniffling a bit because I don’t want this team to go. I loved how all of them worked so well together and fed off one another. It wouldn’t be the same after Cable leaves for sure, but this team dynamic is too great to toss it away into the abyss. Then I go into a bit of panic-attack mode as Steve Rogers picks up Deadpool in a SHIELD vehicle and asks him to join his Avengers. When Deadpool tries to explain that he wants to continue with the Unity team, Rogers immediately tries to worm in his head that Rogue is not on their side.

Look, Steve, I know you’re busy ruining the world for everyone, but can you please leave Deadpool out of it? Not to mention, can’t he and Rogue be happy for just a little while? He really is going to be the death of Marvel Comics.

The title of this issue is “Coda,” and I did expect this series to end completely. The other series have closed and moved on, and it makes sense in a way for this one as well. Red Skull is down, the X-Men have made peace with the inhumans, and the Avengers proper are going to hell in a hand basket. You can tell that Torch and Wasp don’t necessarily want to go back. Fortunately, it’s not over, and my excitement level went over 9000 upon seeing the last panel with the words: “NEVER THE END…”

Thank you, Marvel, Misters Duggan, Larraz, and Curiel. You’ve made this fan very excited for the team’s next mission and beyond. Thank you, Doctor Voodoo, for not wrapping up that open plot point with your brother and the Hand. Now, will Deadpool join them on this escapade or has he drunk the Hydra Kool-Aid? The suspense is killing me more than Smalls.

Our Rating: YUS

Author: Gerry Duggan
Artists: Pepe Larraz and David Curiel
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publish Date: 05/10/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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