The Old Guard #2 Review — Training Day

The Old Guard 2The first issue of The Old Guard established a pretty good hook: a group of effectively immortal warriors sells themselves as mercenaries, and are recorded surviving a brutal assassination attempt. This opens the question that is often glossed over in immortality tales: what would happen if immortality existed in modern times? The Old Guard #2 gives us a little more by way of backstory on our mercenary group, and confirmation that this is most assuredly knowledge someone wants.

It’s important to note that the titular Old Guard is only effectively immortal, which means that their lifespan is unknown to them. They could live with invulnerability for ten years, they could live for several thousand. Our main character claims to be Scythian, meaning she was born around the 8th century AD. Her comrades, on the other hand, are much younger. But not as young as the soldier we learned about last issue.

Greg Rucka has smartly left the details about their immortality as an unknown entity. Andy claims she doesn’t know or understand how it works, and not only do I believe her, I hope we don’t ever learn. If Highlander II: The Quickening taught us anything, it’s that explanations will only ruin and cheapen the concept. It doesn’t matter if Michael Ironside is involved; no explanation will be as interesting as their immortality.

Having said that, though, at one point, Andy shoots herself to prove to Freeman she (Andy) is immortal, and cannot die. Given that a member of  her crew seemingly dies later in the issue, and she spends the first half reminiscing about others she’s known, you’d think she’d be more cautious. It’s one thing to want to charge into battle with no care of dying — in fact Andy does establish she longs for death — but within the confines of her needing to inform Freeman and whisk her off to safety, it seems a careless move.

The big question though is who is Mister Merrick? It’s obvious why he would want proof of immortality — a better question here is who wouldn’t be interested in it? — but who he is, specifically, isn’t clear. On one hand, it’s true that without physical proof, a video is merely proof that this story might be true. On the other, I’m not entirely sure why Merrick needs a go-between for this particular venture. Taking that further, given his standard degrading bad guy treatment, what’s to stop Copley from just taking this information to someone else? Like, oh, say, any number of governments?

We’re only two issues in, and The Old Guard #2 continues with the promise that this series could be a unique take on a common theme. The characters are interesting, the story seems to answer a few logic questions, and I really like the overall style. Despite a few elements that could prevent the series from being really great, I’m cautiously optimistic that The Old Guard will maintain its style and pacing.

Our Rating: Yep

Author: Greg Rucka
Artists: Leandro Fernandez
Publisher: Image Comics
Publish Date: 03/29/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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