Superwoman #6 Review – Is Lois Really Dead?

Superwoman 6 reviewI really do wonder at this point if Lois is really dead. With everything else going on in Superwoman, this wouldn’t surprise me at all. As everything continues to NOT MAKE SENSE, why not allow Lois to still be alive? The reader, as well as Lana Lang, has assumed that her conversations with Lois are all in Lana’s head. We all did see Lois turn into complete dust. But perhaps it really wasn’t that simple.

To reiterate, nothing has been thus far, so why would her death be simple?

For the last few issues of Superwoman, I have felt like I’m missing something crucial. I’m missing some key plot point that will connect all the dots. I’ve reread the issues a couple of times, and I’m still not entirely sure what is going on. I don’t know what happened to Lena, how she created these Bizarro girls, why she’s a floating head, and how she took over Metropolis so quickly. Traci 13 came through a portal to warn everyone about Ultrawoman, and then the next thing we know, she’s already taken over?

DC, you’ve outdone yourself with this story-line.

If I stop trying to understand what happened with Ultrawoman, then the story somewhat comes together. I understand that Lana is in hiding with her friends, Ultrawoman has gone bonkers, and Lex is trapped outside of time. One of the Bizarro girls, the original, has turned against Lena to help Lana. More importantly, she sees Lois.

This surprises both Lois and Lana, which makes Lois’ existence even more peculiar. Lana is missing her best friends, and two of them died right in front of her. It’s only natural that that would make her go a little crazy and hallucinate Lois. I never saw it coming that this vision of Lois would actually be real.

Superwoman 6 review

It of course, begs the question, if that Lois isn’t a figment of Lana’s imagination, then what exactly is she? I assume we will find out next month, since the final panel has teased the next issue as “Superwoman’s Last Stand.” Perhaps it’s the end of the series as well. I haven’t been able to find anything to confirm this suspicion, yet I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.

This issue left me like so many of these issues have–with a few interesting nuggets buried in a sea of malarkey. I will say that Lex’s “confession” to Lana does explain quite a bit exactly why Lena hates him. Her rant to him, like most of Ultrawoman’s speeches, were bewildering at best.

Our Rating: meh

Author: Phil Jimenez
Artists: Phil Jimenez, Matt Santorelli, Jack Herbert, and Hi-Fi
Publisher: DC Comics
Publish Date: 01/11/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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