Secret Empire #3 Review – Where to Even Begin…

Secret Empire 3 reviewNo, seriously, I have no idea where to begin with Secret Empire #3. I understood a third of the issue, maybe half, and I know it’s because I’m not reading every Secret Empire spin-off and/or Marvel series that touches upon Secret Empire. I can’t believe Black Widow and the young’uns is mostly in their own series. Everything going on with the Dark Dimension is told in Dr. Strange. I’m quite certain Captain America: Steve Rogers is also telling its fair share. It seems that Guardians of the Galaxy has their own input as well.

While I have a great number of questions, such as why Scarlet Witch and Deadpool are supporting the Supreme Leader, I’m not going to read all connecting series to get the full monty. Didn’t have to do that with Secret Wars or Civil War II, so I’m not sure why they decided this was a good idea here.

As such, I’m not going to understand everything going on, and I’m accepting it. That said, what little I did understand had me face-palming most of the time. This series is going to get worse before it gets better.

The good Steve Rogers is still in a forest that does not appear to be real. He saved a girl wearing white from a gang of serpent people, and she told him that he’s the only good she’s found in this world. As good as he is, though, he couldn’t completely save her. One of the snake men bit her, and his poison is killing her. This forest seems to be the state of the world, and the girl, hope. The evil of the forest killed hope, but somehow, good known as Steve Rogers is there to fight against the evil. It’s going to be so much fun when Steve gets out of this symbolic world and drops into the real one.

Most else I have a hard time understanding. I can follow along for a general gist, but don’t ask for additional explanations. I’m clueless, my SE cohort Larry is clueless. It’s all good times up in here!

Although, is it just me, or has Stevil gone way over into the dark side? He was pleading with Rick Jones to swear allegiance because he didn’t want to kill him. Now he has no issues blowing up the most sacred temple of Atlantis? Was Rick Jones the turning point or Bucky? I’m waiting for him to backhand Sharon Carter next for badmouthing his “mother.”

At least Peter Quill provided some amusement.

Secret Empire 3 review

Our Rating: meh

Author: Nick Spencer
Artists: Andrea Sorrentino and Rod Reis
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publish Date: 05/31/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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