Outcast #24 Review — The Line is Crossed

Outcast 24Robert Kirkman’s Outcast has been ramping up to a big reveal for quite some time. Outcast #24 starts us down that path, with the mysterious Sidney finally providing answers to some of the questions that have plagued both Kyle and us. But the biggest shock of Outcast #24 isn’t Sidney’s revelation that we’ve been asking the wrong questions, so much as the much teased and hinted growing darkness within the Reverend.

For some time now, the Reverend has been cast adrift; in fact, in many ways, Anderson actually began the series adrift, unsure of both his place in the world, and God’s hand in everything. The initial issues of the series spent a great deal of time showing Anderson waxing poetic about God’s designs, concerns, and power. As this evil began to seep its way through Anderson’s Virginian town, he transitioned from a questioning believer to that of a more devout believer.

Or, at least it seemed. As Kyle Barnes has been on this quest with him, Kyle is starting to realize that maybe Sidney does speak a form of double-truth. As a reader, I, too, have begun to think Sidney may not be a tempting, lying demon after all. In this issue Sidney seems very convincing as he explains there is no such thing as demons, angels, heaven or hell as we humans think we understand it. Needless to say, this revelation doesn’t sit well with Anderson.

Since the early issues in which Sidney carved the pentagram on the Reverend’s chest, the man has been forced to question everything he knows, which is a dangerous position for a man of his calling. His arc continues to play a nice foil to Kyle’s, through Outcast. We see Kyle begin as the unsure, frightened disbeliever, and by the end of the issue he is not only more confident in his understanding of his place and powers. He doesn’t full understand them, yet, but he understands that he can understand, and that Sidney and his ilk may have the answers. On the other side, we see Anderson morph from a believer with full control of his strengths, to a frightened man who has little by way of control. As he stands over Sidney in the final panel, it’s clear a line has been crossed, and it’s one that he may never return from.

With Kyle attempting to reach an understanding with his ex-wife, and Brian off doing … something, the repercussions of Sidney’s death will be longstanding. The question, though, is what will become of the already tenuous relationship between Anderson and Kyle. I cannot imagine either character accepting this new Anderson with open arms.

Our Rating: YUS

Author: Robert Kirkman
Artists: Paul Azaceta
Publisher: Image Comics
Publish Date: 01/11/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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