Nightwing #12 Review – A Whale of a Good Time

Nightwing 12 reviewThere’s something rotten in Blüdhaven, and I have a small idea what it is. Oh how I hope I’m wrong, because then this would be incredibly predictable. I swear I’m not saying that just because I may have figured it out. I’m genuinely worried I’m right.

That said, if there’s one thing I did not expect, it was how Dick Grayson discovers himself. He came to Blüdhaven to regroup and do some of that lovely soul searching we all do when feeling lost. He chose Blüdhaven because other Earth Superman recommended it. He also came because he was hoping to find a black and white world. He was tired of living in the gray, as the Gray Son of Gotham. As he flies through the air (with the greatest of ease), he chastises himself for getting involved with the affairs of the underbelly, because he came there for “me” time. It’s crazy how he doesn’t see he’s already found himself.

For starters, he seems to have already found a new family. They call themselves the Run-Offs, as they have been run off of Gotham and came to Blüdhaven to reform and rehabilitate. I guess “Run-Offs” looks nicer on a team jacket than “Failed Villains.”

Nightwing has teamed up with this ragtag gang to prove that two of them were wrongfully arrested. They’re happy for his help, it doesn’t mean they’re ready to be part of his superhero team either.

Nightwing 12 review

I swear only Dick Grayson enjoys witty banter these days. Well, no, that’s not true; Batgirl and Black Canary love sharing a quip or two.

Unfortunately, with this issue, there weren’t too many surprises. It was too obvious that whom they thought was behind the murders isn’t. Not even the crazy fight with a half-woman/half-killer whale was that shocking. I just sincerely hope that the man behind the murders isn’t who I think it is, because that might be weaker than Wolverine’s death.

Come on Mr. Seeley. You kept me on my toes throughout the Grayson series. Please don’t let Nightwing be predictable.

Our Rating: Meh

Author: Tim Seeley
Artists: Marcus To and Chris Sotomayor
Publisher: DC Comics
Publish Date: 01/04/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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