Flash Negative Arc Review – Enough Negativity

Flash Negative ArcOkay, look, I’m not going to deny that Barry Allen has been through a lot. He’s had a bad few months, and not all of it has been his fault. Lying to Wally and Iris, well, that is all him. Eobard Thawne and his madness, however, is none of Barry’s fault. I personally loved it when Barry yelled at Thawne about the reasons why he was making Barry’s life miserable. It was a piss-poor and pathetic reason, and he deserved to be laughed at. Then Thawne talked Barry into going into the negative speed force, Barry somehow survived, and now he has negative Flash powers. They’ve also negatively impacted his mood, if that was possible.

Iris has left him, Wally isn’t speaking to him, and he now has a babysitter at his job. His life is NOT going well. But my Lord, pull up your bootstraps, man, take some responsibility for your choices, and learn to adapt! In true Barry style, he realizes it all a bit too little, too late. And, it’s rather gross it took a villain named “Bloodwork” (no, really) to make him realize it. At least we seem to be at the end of his depressing and (literally) destructive mood.

Bloodwork was a piece of work, to say the least. Barry and his babysitter were researching how blood samples were missing from hundreds of old cases. It turns out that one of the coroners has hemophilia and he’s been stealing these samples as part of an experiment to cure himself. He’s not exactly cured, but he now has control of blood, including his own. It’s as disgusting as it sounds, even though it’s simply drawn. But I suppose it’s a means to an end, and if it takes a blood monster for Barry to realize what an idiot he is, then by all means, bring on the Hemogoblin (that should have been his name, by the way).

But of course, Barry being Barry, he has to find the most melodramatic way to move on. He meets with Wally to tell him since he can’t control these powers, he wants to give Wally his ring and officially make him the new Flash. Fortunately, Wally has gone through way too much drama of his own, and he’s quite done with all of it. The two have quite the bonding moment, and I’m curious where their relationship will go from here. Barry has to explain the other Wally now, that’s for certain. And what about Iris?

I had all those questions before Barry’s life took another turn for the worse. The guy really can’t get a break, but unfortunately, his job swirling down the toilet is really his fault. The next arc starts soon, so hold on, dear folks. Fingers crossed that this is the end of Barry’s negative vibes. He’d depress the already depressed.

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