Flash #21 Review – Have We Just Flashpointed Flashpoint?

Flash 21 reviewI don’t even know where to begin. I have so many questions regarding where this is going. What the purpose of it all is. Why the Speed Force has to muck so many things up. Also, WHY ARE THEY GOING BACK IN TIME TO SOLVE THIS MYSTERY? Did Flash learn NOTHING from Flashpoint?

The short answer is apparently not, because he not only takes Batman back in time, but to an alternate reality called Flashpoint. That’s right; Flash has now created a Flashpoint within Flashpoint.

I’m sure this will all end well.

Within seconds of finding Eobard Thawne’s skeletal remains and Batman’s beaten body, Flash worked the crime scene for a thorough investigation. Since he’s already in the Batcave, he has Batman’s lab at his disposal to run all the tests he wants to.

The results are inconclusive, but Flash detected a couple of things from Thawne’s body.

  1. The radiation that killed him is of the same signature and intensity as found on the Button.
  2. Flash’s DNA is all over Thawne.

We back home know that the radiation is most certainly from Dr. Manhattan a/k/a the Blue Donger. As for Barry Allen’s DNA on Thawne, that one is a head scratcher. Barry theorizes that perhaps future Flash killed Thawne. He knows he most certainly didn’t do it. The best method he can sort out is to use that damn time treadmill to trace back the source of the radiation.

I can think of a hundred other viable ways to trace back the radiation, but of course Barry goes to the one thing that nearly destroyed reality. He’s like a two-year-old, a danger magnet.

This time, Batman will tag along for the ride. Because why don’t we have two prime members of the Justice League making the timelines worse? This is going to take so many cross-over arcs to solve.

As I expected, the trip through the Speed Force time is quite a wreck. The duo sees various versions of themselves from different comic book eras. There also happens to be a tornado in the middle of the time stream, which looks a lot like the Blue Donger’s giant finger. The tornado sweeps them up and dumps them in a place in time, shattering the time treadmill. Any bets on how long it will take them to get home?

Oh, I should probably also mention that they were dumped in the Batcave during Flashpoint. Those of us who read Flashpoint will suddenly understand how Reverse Flash was killed as well as how Flash’s DNA ended up on Thawne’s body. Question is, how did Thawne, from the world of 52/Rebirth, go back to a reality that should technically no longer exist?

I might have broken my brain connecting those dots.

Our Rating: Um…

Author: Joshua Williamson
Artists: Howard Porter and Hi-Fi
Publisher: DC Comics
Publish Date: 04/26/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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