Captain America: Sam Wilson #22 Review – These Nazis Hate Inhumans

Captain America Sam Wilson 22 reviewSam Wilson fled, leaving his symbolic shield behind. He didn’t say goodbye to Falcon or even Misty Knight. He left her a note, because he knew she would talk him out of it. I didn’t really see Sam’s act as cowardice, most likely because I felt so sorry for the guy. Leaving when things got tough is cowardly, and I suppose that is what he did, even if it was to just clear his head. And it seems that he didn’t even try to resurface when Hydra took over. I guess that is pretty cowardly. He might have taken “when the going gets tough, the tough get going” rather seriously.

On the other hand, if he stayed and fought back, maybe he would have ended up like Bucky, and he can’t do much good that way. Instead, Sam has found a new calling, one that is rather similar to the Underground Railroad during the Civil War or protecting/hiding Jewish people from the Nazis. Hydra is essentially Nazism to the extreme (if that is even possible), but they aren’t interested in rounding up Jews, or people of color, or people of varying sexual orientations. They’ve turned to inhumans for this war’s internment camps.

Sam is a wanted man, so he’s trying to keep a low profile. He somewhat fails when he stops an angry mob from trying to stone a little inhuman girl. He tries to stay out of the mess even afterward, but he can’t not help those in trouble.

Captain America Sam Wilson 22 review

And thus his illustrious career as the guy who helps inhumans escape the country begins. Funny how Hydra is cool with mutants, but not inhumans. I’m guessing Scarlet Witch’s presence has something to do with that? Crazy role reversal in Marvel-land.

Sam doesn’t stop with inhumans, either. Soon smaller super heroes ask him for help, so they can escape and try to get outside assistance. Others beg for help because they can’t bear living in the US anymore.

One such superhero he helped smuggle across the border was Cassie, Ant-Man’s daughter. And now you know…the rest of the story of how Scott knew where to find Sam.

The whole ordeal is heartbreaking. Sam is no ordinary superhero; he makes mistakes. He has doubts. And now he’s watching everything he ever knew crumble around him. It’s hard to not understand why he dropped the shield and left. He felt as though he was just making everything worse, especially after Rage died. Knowing that Stevil orchestrated a bit of his failings has to sting even more than the actual failures.

Our Rating: Yep

Author: Nick Spencer
Artists: Sean Izaakse and Nolan Woodard
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publish Date: 05/31/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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