Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8 Review – Birds of a Feather

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey 8 reviewThere’s a bit of a running theme in my DC subscriptions regarding giving and taking powers from metahumans. Thus far, it doesn’t appear that the two stories regarding this theme have a villain in common. However, there is one character in common: Nightwing. Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8 starts with Nightwing on a high-speed chase from Blüdhaven to Gotham City, hunting down Gemini after she suddenly killed every single one of her friends. When Nightwing reaches Gotham, he phones in to Babs to assist him, and the whole team is more than willing to help.

From context, this scenario takes place in between the time Nightwing tells Batgirl about Shawn Tsang and Tsang’s kidnapping. It’s also the first time Nightwing interacts with the new Oracle, and he is not a fan.

Something is definitely not right with Oracle. When he was accepted into the Birds of Prey, he popped pills and told some unknown organization that they bought it. Dick is 100% correct when he tells Barbara not to trust him. The question is, why. Oracle is slipping a bit with his ruse as well. He snaps at Dinah and Helena out of the blue, briefly cuts his connection, pops another pill, and tells himself to get it together so he doesn’t freak them out. Now Helena is suggesting to Barbara that perhaps something isn’t on the up-and-up with Oracle.

Right now they have bigger fish to fry with Gemini on a murder spree, gaining new powers because of said murder spree, and all on the orders of Blackbird, whoever that is.

But that’s all really side plot to the main event: Dick Grayson reuniting with Helena, his boss.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey 8 review

I was curious if Barbara would lash out, because she said long ago that she hated everyone in Spyral, especially those who were keeping Dick working there. Yes, Helena set him free, but she also foots that bill. I’m not sure if I wanted a catfight, but I did want there to be an a-ha! moment for Batgirl.

I suppose I should have realized that when she and Canary learned Huntress’ identity back in issue #4, that included Helena’s involvement with Spyral. However, they never talked about it in the comics or brought up Grayson’s name. I re-read issues #5-7 to make sure I didn’t miss anything, and the answer is no, they did not. Issue #8 is the first time they even bring up that connection.

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey 8 review

At least knowing that they’re both cool with their shared history means the Birds of Prey won’t be breaking up soon. I highly enjoy this team girl squad.

Nightwing is going to stick around a bit longer as well to see this Gemini thing through, which should be fun to watch him work with the girls. Perhaps he will get Oracle to slip up even more.

Our Rating: Yep

Authors: Julie Benson and Shawna Benson
Artists: Roge Antonio and Allen Passalaqua
Publisher: DC Comics
Publish Date: 03/08/2017
Acquired via Purchase

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