Assassin’s Creed Locus #2 Review – Be Careful What You Wish For

Assassins Creed Locus 2 ReviewLast month’s issue of Assassin’s Creed Locus tickled me pink by bringing Evie Frye and Henry Green to the fold. I didn’t think I could get much happier with the comic, but this month’s issue proved me wrong. Evie and Henry aren’t just video game character names brought in to lazily tie the comics to the games; they are a vital part of this tale and should be part of all four issues.

Well I say that, but after the final panel, I’m not so sure how much they will be involved. Nothing bad happened to them, but I can’t say the same thing for another ancestor of one of the Last Descendants kids. Yes, I’m reaching spoiler territory here. Yes, it’s a bit important.

The Templars at Abstergo are still playing the good guy cards to get the kids they collected to help them find specific Pieces of Eden. Specifically, they’re targeting Sean, the teenager who recently lost the use of his legs, and thus really enjoys jumping into the Animus. His ancestor is Tommy Greyling, the former-beatcop-turned-PI. While investigating the murder of a friend, he runs into Evie and Henry and finds himself on a wild goose chase in London, seeking out Templars.

And since no Assassin’s Creed title is complete without bringing in a historically famous person, why not drag in Samuel Clemens a/k/a Mark Twain? It totally fits. Somehow, I could see Clemens getting involved in something as crazy as this. You’ve read Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn, right?

Seeing Clemens get involved in a crazy shootout with the Blighter gang (also from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate) was pretty amazing (as in it made me chuckle), it didn’t bring the smile like this panel did.

Assassins Creed Locus 2 review

Always good to see the assassins hard at work at their craft. The romantic in me loves that it’s these two who have made the return out of the characters from Syndicate.

Before the encounter with the Blighters went belly up, Sean, in present day, asked for a break from the Animus. The Templar watching him so very kindly threw it in Sean’s face that he’s he one who always asked to be in the Animus and push harder, so why does he ask for a break now. They’re just the bastions of sympathy, aren’t they?

It’s a bit ironic, then, that when they do push him to stay in the Animus to get more information, that Greyling is suddenly stabbed by a Templar, thus removing him from possibly finding any other info. Sean whipped off the Animus headset at this point, so it is possible that Greyling survives the wound. But if he doesn’t, the only way we’ll see Evie and Henry again is if they meet up with one of the other kids’ ancestors. It’s possible and yet not very probably, even for the world of comics.

Of course, Locus reminds me that I need to actually sit down and read the other two comic series, Assassin’s Creed and Assassin’s Creed Templars. All three will supposedly tie in together and then merge with the Last Descendants book series. It’s so much Assassin’s Creed, but it’s a great problem for AC fans to have, especially when the stories are written as well as Locus.

Assassin’s Creed Locus #2
Author: Ian Edginton
Artists: Caspar Wijngaard and Triona Farrell
Publisher: Titan Comics
Publish Date: 10/19/16
Acquired via Publisher

Our Rating: Yep

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